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What it's like to have a mid-life crisis with your best friend

It's been about a month. And by that I mean it's been 30 days since my wife and I sold the house...the land...had an estate sale and moved to a cool and uber hip part of town.

Midlife crisis...downsizing...going it what you will the fact is we made a massive life decision and now we're fully into our first month.

It doesn't really matter where we live because if you're reading this then it's pretty darn likely that you too have a really cool hip part of town...your town...where everybody seems to go on weekends...maybe there's a local farmers market...families congregate and most folks wonder what it would be like to live right in the middle of all the fun, growth, coolness and expansion in Everytown, USA.

Well. That's essentially where we moved to. The Cellars to be exact. Downtown San Antonio at The Pearl. And then of course there's the cannabis business we co-founded but before y'all get your shorts in a wad it's best to probably educate yourself just a wee bit and read a bit about the company.

Now back to the story.

- The 1st week we had bunches of introspective conversations together and yep...we questioned our decision to move. "Did we make a mistake?"..."Is this really the right place for us?"..."Is renting vs owning really that big a deal"...and on, and on.

- The 2nd week we started to really dig it. My wife's commute to work (she's a V.P. at a local company) became nearly nothing. I started to settle into my new "office". Our friends became even more excited about our new journey and we just plain accepted it more.

- The 3rd week we had some new furniture delivered and suddenly this felt like home and...

- the 4th week...well...the fourth week we had old friends come by...made new friends...attended several events for the residents and realized that this is by far one of the funnest, coolest and best decisions we've ever made as a couple.

And here's the top 3 reasons why but before you continue I'm gonna ask that you place your pre-conceived notions...your inclination to wanna judge others and just be open to what I'm gonna share.


Reason #1: We have a valet and concierge. 24/7/365. What we really are blessed to have are Michael, Chevin, Ty, Rudy and a few other folks who look out for us, look out for our guests and family, fill and fulfill many of our basic needs and to put it simply they make our life easier. As busy as we are in life and business and as entrepreneurs and writers this has been a big 'plus' that we never realized we'd come to accept and utilize. I feel like we have a "Life Team"...if that makes sense.

Reason #2: Food. There are upwards of a dozen restaurants right outside our front door. OK so no...we don't eat out everyday but knowing that we have access to some of the best that local culinary artists have to offer is huge for us. We love food. 'Nuff said.

Reason #3: I get to experience something new, unique and a little bit wacky each and everyday with the woman of my dreams (that's her in the pic below) so what that means is everyday is a new adventure. Like literally...a new adventure. Whether it's the DJ on the front lawn...a pop up wine tasting at High Street Wine Company...hanging out in the lobby of the Hotel Emma mid-day...or simply grabbing some alone time on our patio overlooking the river. It's Bliss. Pure bliss.

- Crazy? Maybe. But we're going nutty together...

- Counterculture? Sure. I'll live with that label I've always wanted to be a "bad boy"...

- Jealous? Don't be. The moral of the story is...

Well...the moral of our story is that I don't wanna depart this earth wondering what would have been. While this may be temporary (or not-- heh-heh) Lisa and I will always reflect back to the time that we chose to live life...

...For Us.

Your turn.

Peace, love and happiness from a couple who is having a kick-ass midlife crisis together.

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